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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Minimize/Maximize/Ostracize/Politicize/Prioritize/Criticize/Sympathize/Lionize. What ya do/say depends on yer politics. Is that wize?

Minimize/Maximize/Ostracize/Politicize/Prioritize/Criticize/Sympathize/Lionize. What ya do/say depends on yer politics. Is that wize?

It does not depend upon truth or lies. It does not depend upon what was said/done.

All anything ever depends on is THE SOURCE. If it's your guys it's way wize. If it ain't it ain't.

Illogical but always true for you. If it comes from the sb prez, any in his cabal, any of his minions, any of his toady sycophants,  any of his employees, any of his lapdogpuppets like billybarr, any of his talking heads like Sean Hannity or the Faux News Follies y'all embrace believe swallow. No exceptions. SIGH.

Posted - July 9, 2019


  • 2706
    For many what they say and do does depend on their politics. The problem I see for many that do politicize everything is that they have lifted up their political views to the level of religion. In American society, many are more likely to see political views as non-negotiable aspects of their true selves.  For far too many Americans, politics has become a religion. People find their meaning in it. They define themselves by their stands. . . . When politics becomes a religion, then simple disagreements become apostasies, heresies. And you know what we do with heretics. I see that happening within my own family and right here in AM. Politics has become their religion. and to answer the last part of your question, no, it is not wise. It is destructive.
      July 9, 2019 6:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WOW! I did not see that coming ru nor did it ever occur to me! That's it m'dear. You NAILED it! That's the big elephant in every room. Politics is now a religion and as such people will die before they change their beliefs. Honestly I'm gobstomped. It's so OBVIOUS but why didn't I recognize it? Thank you for your very thoughtful and helpful reply. You know by know I'm going to ask about it and I shall give you blind attribution. Geez ru it makes so much sense. Thanks again! :)
      July 11, 2019 3:59 AM MDT